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Consignments for:

Thursday, March 27th - COMBINED SALE
Breds/Pairs 12 (Noon)
Feeder/Stockers to follow

Complete Dispersal
65     Blk/Rd Cows, Bred to Registered Rd Angus Bulls
1       BWF Bred Cow, Bred to Rousey Sim/Angus Bull

6       Blk/BWF Cows

15    Blk/Rd Hfrs 700#, No Implants, Sept Vacs: Cattlemaster 5, One Shot, Vision 7, Ivermectin Pour
4       Blk Strs/Hfr, Weaned 6 mths, Vac: Vision 7, Bovi-shield Gold

Thursday, April 3rd - COMBINED SALE
Breds/Pairs 12 (noon)
All Breeds Bull Sale 1 PM 
Feeder/Stockers to follow
Breeding Bulls:
1      Rd Angus Bull, 18mths old
1      Rd/CharX Bull, 18 mths old
1     Registrered Rd Angus Yearling Bull, HERG RED BOX 403M 
         - This bull is the result of an embryo pregnancy combining the outstanding genetics of MANN RED BOX and out             of the famed Marta 238C cow. He is a long bodied, stout made bull with added performance. Very easy to look             at from the side and sound made when you set him into motion. He has a great disposition and will make a             great addition to any herd!
                            Registration Papers

1      Registered Rd Angus Yearling Bull, HERD BOSS HOG 402M
          -  This bull comes straight out of our embryo program. He combines the new exciting genetics of U2Q Boss Hog               (the second high selling bull from U2 in 2023) and a beautiful PTO daughter we raised. He is stout made and                big bellied. Conservative in his size and sound made. A bull with added foot quality and has herd sire written               all over him.
                            Registration Papers

​5      Yearling Blk Angus Bulls

1      2 Yr old Blk Angus Bull

25    Blk Angus Smart Bulls
                Catalog link
2      Blk Angus Hfr Bulls, 18mths old 

9      Rd Wagyu Bulls, 3-4 years old 

2      Registered black angus bulls with genetic EPDs. Bulls have been on strict vaccination program since birth and              have been developed on range without heavy feed so they can develop into long-lasting bulls that hold together            and keep working for a guy.  We will be offering 2 half-brothers out of our herd sire, Baldridge Hulk H132. Hulk              was one of the top-selling bulls in the 2021 Baldridge Performance Angus bull sale. A son of the famed Hoover              No Doubt, and Baldridge's high performing flush cow Pratissa E159, Hulk has made many fancy replacement                heifers and bulls for us over the years. Calves from this bull feed extremely well and hang an excellent carcass.            Check out many of Hulk's Half brothers standing at stud-- Baldridge Badger, Baldridge Flagstone, Sterling Pacific          904. 
​                 EPD - 1
                 EPD - 2

​4      Limo/Flex Bulls, 2 yrs old

5      Blk Replacement Quality Hfrs 600-700#
10   Angus/Char Strs/Hfrs 475-550#, Weaned Dec, Hay Wintered, Vac Program
7      Blk Strs/Hfrs 400-500#, Weaned, Vac Program